You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.17. Sales - Wide Scheduler > Wide Warehouse Scheduler - Field Service

Wide Warehouse Scheduler - Field Service

If your company has the optional Micronet 2.8 Mobile Applications module with the Field Service functions enabled, you can use the Wide Warehouse Scheduler to manage and inquire on the status and progress of field service orders.



For more information about Micronet 2.8 Mobile Applications and the Field Service functions, refer to "Introduction to Micronet Mobile Applications" and "FIELD SERVICE Menu".

Field service orders are created in MDS via Invoice Creation and then saved as paperless field service slips (refer to "Invoice Creation - File - Paperless Picking"). When a field service order is created and posted as paperless, Micronet saves the order to the paperless queue where it waits to be assigned to a field service employee through the Wide Warehouse Scheduler - Field Service tab. This includes scheduling the date and times of the job. Once a field service order has been assigned and scheduled, the next time the assigned employee synchronises their PDA to Micronet, the order will be downloaded to that PDA. It then moves automatically through the various paperless statuses.

The field service employee can add materials and labour lines to the job on their PDA. When the field service order is completed and posted back to Micronet:

Completed orders can be invoiced as normal sales orders via Invoice Creation. Completed orders that have not yet been invoiced can be viewed in the Wide Warehouse Scheduler but once an order has been invoiced, it is no longer displayed.

From the Warehouse Scheduler - Field Service tab, you can perform the following: